Monday, May 19, 2008

Judgment Day Review

Yeah, it's wrestling, fuck off.

Just as rigged as the Tim Donaghy Error anyways.

The review is in the style of those down on the excellent Wrestling Observer site by Dave Meltzer.

Thumbs mostly up

Best Match: Jericho vs HBK
Worst Match: Cena vs JBL

Cena vs JBL: Cena's more or less the hometown boy, but man, not even he can salvage JBL these days. Seemed like the match could be summed up thusly: stomp, kick, rest hold, rest hold, kick, kick, elbow, elbow, elbow, rest hold, FU and done. Total crap and JBL is really an anchor at this point. His promos are pretty good but he couldn't outwrestle Khali. (OK, that's a lie).

Kane & CM Punk vs John Morrison & The Miz: With Kane having the ECW title and CM Punk having the MITB shot, you knew M&M were going to retain, but at least it was a good match. By the way, even though it's mostly camera tricks, Morrison's entrance is still perfect, especially for a heel.

Jericho vs HBK: Shawn Michaels is one of the most professional wrestlers in the business. Great moves, great storytelling, and he had a pretty good dance partner in Jericho. Shame it was a non-title match, why was this the case? The ending was smooth and the post-match handshake was a nice touch.

Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix vs Melina: All three are decent wrestlers, but Beth Phoenix is a cut above any other woman in the company. She executes well, and holy shit, look at the strength she showed with the double backbreaker. Honestly thought that Melina was going to just lay down for Mickie to screw Beth, but that DDT was HARD.

Undertaker vs Edge: Another classic in this classic series, but as soon as the match was over you knew something was up. This thing has to end with Vickie Guerrero getting locked in the gogoplata, right?

Jeff Hardy vs MVP: This was a great match before anything happened, just by virtue of not being Big Show vs Mark Henry. What's up with Hardy getting pummeled in every match only to have it end with a quick Whisper In The Wind? Decent match nonetheless.

HHH vs Randy Orton: Match dragged in spots, but it wasn't terrible or anything. Didn't seem like the cage itself was incorporated enough, and was surprised by the lack of color, but a pretty good end to a decent PPV.

Overall grade: B

3rd Biggest Win Of His Life

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wait, it's Justin Morneau vs JBL at Judgment Day?

Has anyone ever seen John Cena & Justin Morneau in the same place at the same time?

Just so freaky...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sign Me, Or I'll Sue You

Sign me, or I’ll sue you, Sign me.
Sign me, or I’ll sue you, Sign me.

Well, I’m the home run king,
I never took a thing.
My career ain’t over, I’m still the best,
I’ve got the fearsomest swing.
Sign me, or I’ll sue you,
Sign me, or I’ll sue you, well…

Why di’n’t I sign in April?
Why ain’t I signed in May?
The only reason is owners are saying,
“Bonds, go away!”

I told the grand jury that I’m full pure drug free.
But owners have launched some wild conspiracy.
Sign me, or I’ll sue you,
Sign me, or I’ll sue you,
I wanna play ball.

Sign me, or I’ll sue you, Sign me.
Sign me, or I’ll sue you, Sign me.

Now Mike Piazza’s not hot,
And Sammy Sosa got caught,
And Roger Clemens, well we all know
What every teenaged girl’s got.
Sign me, or I’ll sue you,
Sign me, or I’ll sue you.
I wanna play ball.

Why di’n’t I sign in April?
Why ain’t I signed in May?
The only reason is owners are saying,
“Bonds, go away!”

Sign me, or I’ll sue you,
Sign me, or I’ll sue you,
Sign me, or I’ll sue you.
I wanna play ball.