Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I don't care that it's not a sport...WOOOOOOOOOOOO

Yeah, I know wrestling isn't a real sport, get over it.

One of the true legends retired the other day, and I feel like I have to say something.

Ric Flair may not have been the biggest, strongest, or most agile guy around. but he was entertaining as fuck.

If you can find me a guy who sold his opponents moves any better, displayed the proper emotions better, or took over the persona of his "character" any better, blow me.

The end of his last match, against Shawn Michaels (one of his best friends in the business) was classic. Flair getting up from the mat, Michaels mouthing "I'm sorry, I love you" before the last superkick, that was executed so perfectly, and the emotion seemed so real, it was amazing.

More props to Flair for going out like a true professional. The storyline dictated that he lose and be "forced" to retire, and that's how he went down. He lost his last match but went out a true champion.

We'll miss you, Naitch.


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